The Church was purchased by God (Ps. Craig Savige)**NEW**
Christians are no longer sinners (Samantha Savige)**NEW**
- Life is a vapour, so live for God (Katrina Fisher)
- Our full redemption in Christ (Matthew Verschuur)
- What is the judgment of the damned? (Matthew Verschuur)
- Why was Hell created? (Ps. Craig Savige)
- We have been made righteous in Christ (Ps. Craig Savige)
- Our precious Saviour (Ps. Craig Savige)
- What does it mean that Jesus is our Advocate? (Matthew Verschuur)
- We are servants of righteousness (Matthew Verschuur)
- Justified by the blood of Christ (Ps. Craig Savige)
- The Lord Jesus Christ is our redeemer ( Ps. Craig Savige)
- The precious blood of Christ (Samantha Savige)
- The gift of righteousness (Samantha Savige)
- The wages of sin is death (Ps. Craig Savige)
- How are the wicked snared? (Ps. Craig Savige)
- The Glorious Gospel committed to us – part 1 (Ps. Craig Savige)
- The Glorious Gospel committed to us – part 2 (Ps. Craig Savige)
- Christ the King (Ps. Craig Savige)
- The furtherance of the Gospel – part 2 (Matthew Verschuur)
- The furtherance of the Gospel – part 1 (Matthew Verschuur)
- The Lambs book of life (Ps. Craig Savige)
- The Lord Jesus Christ, the light of the world (Ps. Craig Savige)
- Without God in your life there is no hope (Ps. Craig Savige)
- Biblical answers about salvation (Ps. Craig Savige)
- The gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ (Ps. Craig Savige)
- Biblical answers about Hell (Ps. Craig Savige)
- How to become a born again Christian (Ps. Craig Savige)
- A new creature (Samantha Savige)
- Biblical answers about Heaven (Ps. Craig Savige)
- The wonderful resurrection of Christ (Samantha Savige)
- What must people do to be saved? (Ps. Craig Savige)
- Receive God’s blessing (Ps. Craig Savige)
- Purchased by the blood of Christ (Samantha Savige)
- Characteristics of born again Christians – part 1 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- Characteristics of born again Christians – part 2 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- Characteristics of born again Christians – part 3 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- Characteristics of born again Christians – part 4 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- Characteristics of born again Christians – part 5 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- Characteristics of born again Christians – part 6 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- The value of the blood of Christ – part 1 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- The value of the blood of Christ – part 2 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- The value of the blood of Christ – part 3 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- The value of the blood of Christ – part 4 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- The value of the blood of Christ – part 5 (Pastor Craig Savige)
- Repentance and the Gospel of Christ (Pastor Craig Savige)
- Redeemed from the curse of the law (Samantha Savige)
- God’s wonderful love through Christ (Ps Craig Savige)
- Alive unto God through Jesus Christ our Lord (Ps Craig Savige)
- What happens to backsliders (Ps Craig Savige)