Pastor Craig Savige explains that walking by faith involves specific Biblical principles to be followed. In this sermon he shows how to get victory manifested by believing by faith that God is your refuge and fortress.
Preaching Gospel truth – January 2025
Pastor Craig shows from the Bible that the Gospel of Christ is the power of God that must be preached to all. The Church must present this truth and not try to be “relevant” to the world since the world is in a fallen state (see 1 John Ch5vs19) and needs to acknowledge that Jesus Christ is the only way to God. Be a part of the Gospel preaching to the world and not concentrate on your own life.
Flourishing in the House of God – December 2024
People should be joyful that God has put His structure of the local Church into the Earth to ensure that His Word is preached, taught and glorified. Pastor Craig Savige teaches about the important reasons for being planted in a local Church that physically exists with actual ministers that feed the flock of God with the nourishment of God’s words. Those who neglect this important doctrine will find prosperity and health undermined in their lives and be answerable to God as to why they have gone against His many clear instructions. Be not among the disobedient ones!
Believing to see God’s goodness – October 2024
Pastor Craig Savige teaches about how those who are saved should progress forward to believe for God’s goodness to be manifested in every aspect of their lives. It is a good witness for Christians to be living in Christ’s provision of victory.
Pastor Craig Savige preaches on the fact that there is a path of truth along which the Spirit of God leads those who are born again. The great warning is that compromisers abound, which are used by the enemies of God to bewitch others into not obeying the truth (the Word of God). Disobedience results in people going out of the place of blessing. The will of God is to bless people abundantly through the Lord Jesus Christ but He can only do so if they do not compromise.
Saved to serve – September 2024
Pastor Craig Savige addresses the major problem that exists, even amongst Christians, which is that people think that they can live their lives as though God requires nothing of them. Those who respond to the Gospel of Christ and are then born again should realise that they become children of God who serve God. There is a devilish doctrine amongst Christians that they remain sinners (servants of sin) even after they receive Christ. Christians must believe that they are now new righteous creatures in Christ, created in Him to do good works (see Ephesians Chapter 2 Verse 10 – “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.”
We must walk by the same rule – July 2024
In this sermon, Pastor Craig Savige explains how the same rule of God’s truth should be followed by everyone in the Church, so that there can be a consistent witness of Christ on the Earth. There must be adherence to a standard Bible and not deviation into error, fables, contradictory “bibles”, and so on.
See also “Modern versions attack the Lord Jesus Christ” under:
Pastor Craig Savige explains that the world is a spiritually dangerous place because of sin and its effects. Christians should be aware of the enemies of Christ and the war against the things of God, and be able to stand in faith, not being asleep. God equips His people and blesses them to go forward by faith, despite what enemies do.
Go not your own way – April 2024
Pastor Craig Savige shows that there are disastrous consequences to people going their own way when they do not check with the Lord and seek Him for His direction. The path of blessing is only through going God’s way in line with His Word. Christians must be led by the Spirit of God.
Agreeing with God’s end time plans – February 2024
In this video Pastor Craig Savige explains that the saints (those who are born again) are very much involved in God’s end time plans that they should be prepared for. Amongst other things, he goes through:
- the Judgment Seat of Christ for believers in Christ
- the translation of the saints into Heaven
- the return of Christ to the Earth with His saints.
They that sow righteousness – January 2024
There are those sowing iniquity and those sowing righteousness on the Earth today. Pastor Craig Savige shows that sinners, both men and women, must be changed through the power of the Word and Spirit to be righteous saints, who are to be sowers of the right things on the Earth. Don’t be one of those who miss out on God’s best but be prosperous for Him on the Earth.
When ye receive the Word – November 2023
Pastor Craig Savige explains that receiving the Word of God is of utmost importance for the people of God to be in His will and operate properly on the Earth in God’s wisdom. There are many outside of God’s will, ignoring His Church and doing their own thing in contradiction to the ministry of the Word. They then wonder why everything is not working out spiritually for them.
They know not at what they stumble – September 2023
Pastor Craig Savige explains the clear difference that the Bible shows between those without Christ as their Saviour who are in darkness and unrighteous, and those who have Christ as their Saviour who are in light and are righteous.
Our mind of victory – September 2023
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre explains about how victorious living in Christ is related to having the proper knowledge of God working in our mind.
Look unto God – September 2023
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre shows that much affliction comes through people’s sinful decisions against God. However, when people look unto God in humility and hearken to His words, He is merciful and provides salvation, deliverance and blessing.
Seek God and prosper – July 2023
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre clearly shows the Biblical connection between seeking the Lord about what to do and prospering in Him. This is true Biblical prosperity and depends on putting God first in all things in our lives.
Flowing in the power of God – July 2023
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre preaches on the fact that God’s power is available to the people of God. Many have neglected this important area, especially with respect to not having a proper Biblical doctrine about the Spirit of God.
How to walk by faith – May 2023
Pastor Craig preaches on the way to walk by faith, which pleases God. The importance of believing the Word of God and acting on that belief is examined.
How to be a doer of the Word – April 2023
Pastor Craig Savige shows that believing and acting upon the Word of God is the key to unlocking blessing and victory in people’s lives. After people are saved from sin, they must be obedient to God and be doers of the Word to access these areas of blessing that have been provided by God.
God’s saving health – April 2023
Pastor Craig Savige explains that God’s health to His people should be made known among the nations. As men and women come to God in repentance of sin and believe the Gospel of Christ, they get access to the wonderful benefits of salvation, which includes health and healing.
God wants to multiply His people – March 2023
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre Australia preaches about the fact that God wants multiplication of His people and of resources for His people. The Gospel of Christ must be preached across the Earth, regardless of what the heathen want in their darkness.
Sow not among thorns – February 2023
Pastor Craig in this sermon “Sow not among thorns” explains how preparing for the future is vital for the Church to reap a good harvest. Many Christians are not preparing the ground properly and are not sowing into the right places.
Our authority in Christ – February 2023
In this visual presentation on “Our authority in Christ”, Pastor Craig explains that Christians are not spiritually defenceless in the warfare against us. In Christ, we are powerful but we must be sober and vigilant against the enemy, and have spiritual understanding of what the Word of God has to say about our position in Christ.
Not barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of God – January 2023
Pastor Craig preaches on “Not barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of God” in which he explains how those who fear the Lord can come into great victory by increasing in the knowledge of God. The Holy Bible has the words from God that build up the inner man.
Unto the upright arises light in the darkness – December 2022
Pastor Craig Savige preaches on “Unto the upright arises light in the darkness” in which he explains that the darkness of the world is not sufficient to stop the light of God that is to be manifested through the people of God.
Pastor Craig Savige preaches on how there is a correct, Biblical conformity for the Church, which is to be conformed to the image of Christ. Of course, those who deny that there is a pure, standard Bible by which to measure themselves by – namely the King James Bible* – have major problems in being able to conform properly to the image of Christ.
God’s trumpet call – October 2022
Pastor Craig Savige explains that there is a trumpet call to the Church globally to prepare itself for the great work ahead.
Lift up thine eyes round about – September 2022
Pastor Craig Savige teaches about how Christians should look up in hope to the Lord, rather than dwelling on the darkness of the world.
Them that fear God – August 2022
Pastor Craig Savige preaches about the wonderful benefits associated with the fear of God. He shows that the fear of evil is the complete opposite. Also, listen to “The fear of the Lord for the nations.”
The importance of preaching the Word of God – June 2022
Pastor Craig Savige explains about the importance of preaching, and how the power of God is accessed through the preaching of the Word of God – the Holy Bible. The preaching of the Word of God is shown to be the priority work that the Church globally needs to be concentrating on and lines up with Matthew Ch24 Vs14.
The fear of the Lord for the nations – May 2022
Craig Savige refutes the negative view that the Church will be raptured out of the earth before Christ’s Gospel is preached powerfully across the earth and many nations become holy and righteous in the fear of the Lord.
The fear of the Lord is clean – April 2022
Pastor Craig Savige explains from the Holy Bible that having the fear of the Lord is absolutely necessary to lead a holy, clean life to glorify the Lord.
Fellowship with evildoers and compromise with the world’s fallen ways only leads to filthiness of the flesh and spirit. “Having therefore these promises, dearly beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.” (Second Corinthians, Chapter seven, Verse one).
The blessing of the Lord makes rich – January 2022
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre explains that the Gospel always brings blessing and this blessing makes everything rich in a society and nation. To change a nation means that its foundations must be changed to accept everything the Gospel brings into it.
We are to be a blessing – January 2022
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre, Australia, preaches about the fact that Christians are both blessed and to be a blessing that extends to the nations.
Joy from God – Christmas Message 2020
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre shows through the Holy Bible that true joy comes from God. In this Christmas message our God and Saviour, the Lord Jesus Christ is pointed to as the way for mankind to come to God and receive His joy in eternal life. It is a merry Christmas to those who know Him.
“For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.” (John Ch3 Vss 16, 17).
Thou shalt decree a thing (Ps. Craig Savige) September 2021
Pastor Craig Savige shows how the Church globally must see and understand the future. The Bible is clear that the just and the wicked are in two different categories. The just must operate by faith in God and decree the Word of God as the reality for this Earth.
This should be linked with the audio sermon “How are the wicked snared?” on the Victory Faith Centre website.
Furnished unto all good works (Pastor Craig Savige) August 2021
Christ has paid for mankind’s salvation with His blood. Pastor Craig Savige explains that, after being born again, people must now glorify God in their good works whilst on the Earth. “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them.” (Ephesians Ch 2 Vs 10).
The powerful Church (Ps. Craig Savige) July 2021
The Holy Bible is clear: “For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.” (Isaiah 60:2).
Pastor Craig Savige explains that there is only one solution to the problem across the Earth today and that is to get on board with Christ’s building program to turn on the light.
Spiritual law fundamentals – part 2 (Ps. Craig Savige) March 2021
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre explains in this second part of “Spiritual law fundamentals” that the Word of God – the Holy Bible – is the final authority of all creation. It is the law by which the creation is governed and all men must agree with it and function according to what it says, rather than trying to walk in their own ways. The Infidelity of our time desperately attacks the authority of the Word of God.
Spiritual law fundamentals – part 1 (Ps. Craig Savige) March 2021
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre shows that there are spiritual laws governing the whole of creation.
The Standard of Truth (Ps. Craig Savige) November 2020
There is one way to stop Infidelity (unfaithfulness to God and His words) across the Earth and that is for the Church globally to cooperate with the Spirit of truth in lifting up a standard. Pastor Craig Savige explains this and gives evidence that currently many churches have allowed lies and deception to come in.
Accept No Substitutes (Ps. Craig Savige) August 2020
Pastor Craig Savige of Victory Faith Centre explains why the Church should accept no substitutes, even when there is pressure by the world to do so. For more information, visit the website of Victory Faith Centre, Geelong, Australia.
Victory Faith Centre 20th Anniversary Address – by Pastor Craig Savige (August 2020)
Pastor Craig Savige gives an address to the congregation on the twentieth anniversary of Victory Faith Centre on 9 August 2020. For more information and sermons, go to the website for Victory Faith Centre, Geelong, Australia.
Necessary things to know in the time of Infidelity – March 2020
Pastor Craig of Victory Faith Centre explains how Infidelity (unfaithfulness to God) must be treated by the Church at this time in history.
(1) The importance of Christians gathering together. (2) The importance of the Church giving an alternative to fear. (3) An explanation of the prophetic Psalm 94.
Commandments for faith Christians – November 2019
The reality is that Christians are commanded to walk by faith. Pastor Craig of Victory Faith Centre explains biblically what God requires of Christians who claim to live for Christ.
How you can be a faith Christian – September 2019
Since it is impossible to please God without faith (see Hebrews 11:6), then how to live by faith should be very important for any Christian.
Pastor Craig of Victory Faith Centre, Geelong, speaks on this subject.
Prepare for Battle – May 2019
The Church must stop relying upon things that are producing thistles and rely upon the truth of the Word of God.
Prepare for Battle looks to understanding what Christ wants for His Church.
Time for Christians to wake up – August 2018
We are living in a time of great spiritual Infidelity.
At this time in Church history, Infidelity has come into the churches and infected many Christians, resulting in compromise with the present evil world.
Pastor Craig warns Christians that the time has come to stop the compromise and be separate from it. This means that churches must change.
We welcome you to come and fellowship at Victory Faith Centre, a Word and Spirit Church, in Geelong, Victoria, Australia.
Defending the King James Bible – December 2017
Pastor Craig shows that the Church must have only one Bible and that God has preserved His words perfectly throughout history, even through the translation process.
Modern versionists must now repent of unbelief and forsake the usage of modern “bible” versions. Only the Authorized Version (the King James Bible) has the stamp of the Almighty God upon it.
(Reference books: “The Authorized King James Bible Connection” and “Why Faith Christians should only use the King James Bible” – both found on the Victory Faith Centre website.
The Church must preach the Word of God – November 2017
Children of light, separate from darkness – June 2017
Pastor Craig gives a Biblical warning for the Church to engage the world as children of light, not as compromisers.